We Do Arabic Tutoring!

Yes! We might be the first to provide private Online Conversational Levantine-Lebanese Arabic lessons for those who need them. 

Whether you're -

  • an expat living in Lebanon who wants to fit in and communicate in the local colloquial Arabic language,
  • a spouse of a lovely Lebanese person who admires their partner's origins and would like to make that effort of learning their language,
  • a Lebanese parent and expat (living abroad) who wants their kids to learn Arabic and easily speak with their tétas and jeddos back at home...

These private lessons are created for you, texting language included!!

That's right! Learn to speak and understand Levantine-Lebanese Arabic. Get in touch with us for more details about the sessions and the process, and request a first 2-ways assessment call today.

By the way! your learning path and courses' plan will be tailored to your personal purpose and plan. The basics are set, but the details will be bespoke depending on each student's will and needs.